Crowds filled Madison Park Church of God Monday evening, overflowing into the Crossroads Auditorium, to worship together in a service commissioning missionaries for service. Speaker Milfred Minatrea charged the crowd to take the commissioning home themselves, serving along side those going overseas.
Drawing from the Great Commission (Matt 28:18–20), in the opening of an unusual two-part sermon, Minatrea explained that Jesus’ command to go make disciples is an imperative for all Christians: Go make disciples.
“Don’t be satisfied to go home saying how wonderful it was to commission these new missionaries. Go home, to your place of employment, your neighborhood, the soccer team you coach…You are sent just as they are,” challenged Minatrea. He reminded the congregation that God’s reach has no limit and that each one may be the only contact another has with Christ. In a tearful voice, Minatrea noted that more then two billion people go to bed each night never having heard that Jesus is eager to save them.
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