Friday, February 20, 2009

As result of our efforts, are disciples being born and matured among the target population?

“What indicators might identify particular mission engagements as being strategic? What questions could you ask about mission initiatives to help decide if they are strategic?”

Indicator #3: As result of our efforts, are disciples being born and matured among the target population?

The ultimate goal of mission is not simply human comfort, but spiritual transformation. The Gospel is Good News that affects quality of life as well as spiritual security. Jesus did say, “I am come that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly.” He is concerned about liberating captives, caring for the oppressed, lifting the impoverished. Still, the ultimate reason for His coming was not just to make life better now, but to invite all to bring Him glory throughout eternity. We care about making life better now…and we care about seeing individuals find their way in the journey as disciples of Jesus Christ.

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