Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Share in the Sufferings: Pakistan Flooding

In Pakistan, many are suffering as result of massive flooding. There we have brothers and sisters in Christ who endure persecution and hardship on a daily basis. Current conditions mandate our intercession and intervention. Join me in praying and seeking equitable distribution of emergency aid among those who are most vulnerable.

The UN Secretary-General, following a visit to Pakistan, has called for stepped up international aid to help cope with a crisis described as the worst in the world today.

It is estimated that up to six million flood-affected people are in need of food assistance over the next three months, though this number may yet rise, as the situation in Sindh, Punjab and Balochistan continues to deteriorate.

Khair Muhammad Kalhoro, director of the Provincial Disaster Management Authority in Sindh, said, "We need all the help we can get to help people."

Daniel Toole, regional director for the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), warned at a news conference in Islamabad on August 17, that "up to 3.5 million children could be in danger of contracting deadly diseases carried through contaminated water and insects as a result of floods. In a country which has endemic watery diarrhoea, endemic cholera, endemic upper respiratory infections we now have the conditions for expanded problems."

From IRIN reports. IRIN is the humanitarian news and analysis service of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

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