Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Broken Guitars…the story continues

Although it is probably everywhere already, I loved the video Dave Carroll created in the aftermath of United Airlines failure to respond appropriately after “breaking his Taylor guitar.”
Watch the video, laugh as I did, and realize the power of these words, “Keep your behavior excellent in the world…that on account of your good deeds, they may glorify God.” The world is watching…just ask United (almost 3 million viewers have seen United Breaks Guitars).

For the first time in history, we have communication methods that are instant and incredibly extensive. “No one will really know…so it doesn’t matter how we respond” is not an option. At a cost of about $150, the songwriter and guitarist recorded a music video and posted it on YouTube. And then people like you and I repost it for our friends to see. Uh-oh, United, now everyone knows.

We have never lived in a vacuum, our actions have always mattered. But perhaps they were never made public as quickly as today. The actions of churches and individual disciples are constantly being observed, just as those of businesses are. It is time to let our light shine…so that the world can see our good works, and glorify our Father. What we do matters. While a Taylor guitar is a rare piece of musical craftsmanship, you and I are created in the image of God and our everyday actions must reflect His care and compassion.

Click here for more of the story.

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